Benchmark physical therapy old national professional#
The services provided must be of the complexity and nature to require that they are performed by a licensed professional therapist or provided under their direct supervision by a licensed ancillary person as permitted under state laws.All services provided must be within the applicable scope of practice for the provider in their licensed jurisdiction where the services are provided and

PT services must be ordered by a physician or other licensed health care practitioner and performed by a duly licensed and certified, if applicable, PT provider.The PT services provided are intended to cover only episodes of therapy for situations where there must be a reasonable expectation that a member’s condition will improve significantly in a reasonable and generally predictable period of time and.These services must be proposed for the treatment of a specific illness or injury and The member’s participating physician or licensed health care practitioner has determined that the member’s condition can improve significantly based on physical measures (eg, active range of motion (AROM), strength, function or subjective report of pain level) within one month of the date that therapy begins or the therapy services proposed must be necessary for the establishment of a safe and effective maintenance program that will be performed by the member without ongoing skilled therapy services.This Clinical Policy Bulletin addresses physical therapy.Īetna considers physical therapy (PT) medically necessary when this care is prescribed by a chiropractor, DO, MD, nurse practitioner, podiatrist or other health professional qualified to prescribe physical therapy according to State law in order to significantly improve, develop or restore physical functions lost or impaired as a result of a disease, injury or surgical procedure, and the following criteria are met: Number: 0325 Table Of Contents Policy Applicable CPT / HCPCS / ICD-10 Codes Background References